So, yesterday my daily schedule was thrown completely off. First off, Kari didn’t go to work so I lumbered round in the morning trying to figure out if she was staying home sick or maybe forgot to go to work, but then…she started cleaning. Dutch and I were wondering what was going on, she usually does this kind of thing on a weekend when Aaron is trying to watch football, not a Wednesday. She must be sick, yep that's it, sick..or maybe they’re getting ready for the adoption counselor to come over, I heard them talking about that last night.
Now, I don’t really have very high standards, I mean I’ll drink water out of the toilet, but she was really going all out. First she dusted everything [cough, cough], then she even used bleach in the bathrooms, that stuff really stinks. I’m used to her using those new wax rags, Dutch says it’s that stuff the Jessica sells, Norwex, but what does he know. So anyway she still used her new wax rags to wipe off the counters and tables, clean the windows and mirrors and mop the floors, but that bleach in the bathrooms still really stinks. Man, I can’t sleep, maybe I’ll go eat.
Now, I don’t really have very high standards, I mean I’ll drink water out of the toilet, but she was really going all out. First she dusted everything [cough, cough], then she even used bleach in the bathrooms, that stuff really stinks. I’m used to her using those new wax rags, Dutch says it’s that stuff the Jessica sells, Norwex, but what does he know. So anyway she still used her new wax rags to wipe off the counters and tables, clean the windows and mirrors and mop the floors, but that bleach in the bathrooms still really stinks. Man, I can’t sleep, maybe I’ll go eat.
Yeah, that hit the spot - had to steal a few morsels out of the “Black hole”, Kari and Aaron think that thing will only feed us 3 times per day, but I can eat whenever I want. All I have to do is flip on my side, role over a bit onto my head, reach my arm up the spout, flip my paw a pit...clink-clink...mmm 2 morsels, 30 morea nd I'll be satisfied! Well, time for a few minutes of shut eye…mmm can’t wait to dream of chasing mice, birds or Dutch. Oh man, Dutch came and wanted to sleep on my tail. I told him to find his own bed, this one isn’t big enough for the both of us. But would he listen – kinda hard when he was already snoring. He didn’t seem to care that Kari was home today, but I knew it was coming, always does when she cleans like this. Dutch will have his tail between his legs and be under the bed or behind the couch soon – scaredy cat.
Well, all of a sudden, ok let’s be realistic I fell asleep about 8:30 and a few minutes later at about 12:15 I hear the garage door opening. What the heck is going on, is Aaron coming home for lunch? Mmm, maybe I can get him to let me taste that soup they had last night. It was really good, Kari doesn’t know it, but I had a quick taste of hers…haha. Dutch heard the door slam and couldn’t figure out who it was (really? seriously he’s kind of slow). Kari was still cleaning; pretty sure she cleaned the whole house twice, whatever. Anyway, Aaron got right to work with the vacuum. You should have seen Dutch run – he hates that thing, and when he tried to squeeze his fat butt under the bed it was pretty funny. His tail was still sticking out from under the bed – good way to hide buddy. Anyway, Aaron vacuumed the whole house while Kari jumped in the shower, then they put clean sheets on the bed – I like fresh sheets, time to sleep again..ahh.
I woke up about 2 hours later to voices and thought I’d venture out into the real world and there was this strange lady in my chair, who does she think she is. Dutch was sleeping on Kari's lap who was sitting on the couch with Aaron. I jumped up onto his lap and got a few nose scratches, oh that fealt good. They were talking to the lady and I heard a lot about babies, parenting skills, values & goals…who needs goals when you get to sleep 22 hours a day. Anyway, the lady also got a tour of the house – she got to see every room, even the ones that the doors are always closed – not fair. Kari and Aaron claim the doors are shut and the heat is off in those rooms to save money, but I know better – especially for the office, Aaron doesn’t want me playing with all of his farm and Bobcat toys – there so fun to knock off the shelf. The lady even mentioned that they make Crib Tents so that furry animals can’t bother a sleeping baby in a crib… I can’t believe she hinted that Aaron was a fury animal…that’s not very nice, I mean he shaves at least once a week.
Anyway, the lady said that she’d get the paperwork done in the next few weeks and that she’d discuss their profile at their November staff meeting. Then, their profiles would be placed in the books at all of their offices in ND as well as online. Must be that facebook, Kari is always updating her online profile. Anyway, Kari and Aaron were really excited after she left, because they are supper excited for the next step, apparently they get to wait for someone to choose to include them in an adoption plan for a child. It sounds like they mean someone like Ina Claire who visits us often - she just eats, poops and sleeps. Or maybe they are adopting another cat because that’s all Dutch ever does. Either way, I am excited to have someone new to play with, I wonder when he or she will get here - hopefully it' soon...I can teach them to feed me when ever I want!
Well, off to the litter box, then another nap - I need my rest, I’m sure I have to eat soon.