One of my favorite this to do during the holiday season is to particular, my Grandma Myrtle's sugar cookies. The late great Myrtle Gauslow was a master in the kitchen. She could make her oven do things many master pastry chefs jealous.
Every (and I do mean every) holiday Grandma would bake, decorate, and individually package cookies for my brother and my elementary classes. I was so proud to pass out the confectionary treasures to all my eager classmates. Thanks again Grandma...I love you!
In the spirit of giving, here is her famous recipe. Enjoy!
White Rolled Cookies From: Myrtle Gauslow
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, unbeaten
2 tbsp. cream
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups flour (plus a little more for flouring your rolling surface)
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cream butter, sugar, egg, cream and vanilla. Mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl; flour, baking powder & salt. Add dry ingredients to the creamed mixture and mix. Roll thin on a floured surface. Cut with your favorite cookie cutters. Sprinkle with a little extra white sugar before baking. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until the edges are a very pail light brown. Frost with your favorite frosting, but I have been using the one below.
Frosting:4 cups confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup shortening
5 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
food coloring
In a large bowl, cream together the confectioners' sugar and shortening until smooth. Gradually mix in the milk and vanilla with an electric mixer until smooth and stiff, about 5 minutes. Color with food coloring if desired.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Spreading the word....
If you read my last post, you know that tomorrow is National Adoption Day! All over the country, thousand of families will be making their families official by finalizing their adoptions.
Help us (any the many other families hoping to adopt) by spreading the word about the miracle of adoption! Let's harness the power of Facebook and other social networking site... share this, create a post or add our "blog sticker" to your own blog/website (see the side links for the html code). Thanks to my dear friend and "work spouse" for her shout out on Facebook. That is what I am talking about!
The more people that know about adoption, the more families we can create.
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Copy and paste the following code into an HTML gadget in your blog layout: <a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="Hoping to Adopt!" src="" /></a> |
Friday, November 12, 2010
Talk about a sign from above....
November 20th is our 6th wedding anniversary! Wow, how time files when you are having fun.
We love our anniversary because it give us an excuse to go to a fancy dinner, have a nice wine and totally focus on each other. One of our traditions is we love to look at our wedding album and reminisce about stories of the day and how much fun we had (don't worry family, I will leave it at that). It is kind of hard to think of ways we could make it better... until now!
November 20th is also "National Adoption Day!" Not that we need any more confirmation that adoption is the perfect way to build our family, but is sure feels like a sign from above to me!
For years to come, our anniversary day will no longer be about us as a couple, but it will be a way for us to celebrate the creation of a family.
Please pass on the word about adoption...there are so many deserving families waiting to take a child into their loving homes all over the country. Help make our dreams come true.
Here is a link to the official Facebook page: National Adoption Day
We love our anniversary because it give us an excuse to go to a fancy dinner, have a nice wine and totally focus on each other. One of our traditions is we love to look at our wedding album and reminisce about stories of the day and how much fun we had (don't worry family, I will leave it at that). It is kind of hard to think of ways we could make it better... until now!
November 20th is also "National Adoption Day!" Not that we need any more confirmation that adoption is the perfect way to build our family, but is sure feels like a sign from above to me!
For years to come, our anniversary day will no longer be about us as a couple, but it will be a way for us to celebrate the creation of a family.
Please pass on the word about adoption...there are so many deserving families waiting to take a child into their loving homes all over the country. Help make our dreams come true.
Here is a link to the official Facebook page: National Adoption Day
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The Happiest Sad
When I started our blog, in true Kari fashion, I set out to learn as much about adoption, blogging and the combo of the two. This week I came across this amazing blog by an even more amazing person. "The Happiest Sad" is written by a birthmother. It tells a story of adoption that is not often told, at least not as eloquently as this.
One post in particular I liked was the "How To Irritate a Birth Mother" post. It is a great education tool for the adoption community (and general public!)
Hope you check it out!
One post in particular I liked was the "How To Irritate a Birth Mother" post. It is a great education tool for the adoption community (and general public!)
Hope you check it out!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Lambert the Sheepish Lion
Lambert the Sheepish Lion was a staple in our house going up. It was one of our go-to movies when we were not feeling well, it was a snow day, or we just wanted to watch a good story. Now that I am older, I understand that Lambert was an "Adopted Child" of the sheep herd! If you have never seen it, it is totally worth the 8 minutes of your day!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
When will he or she arrive?

So, yesterday my daily schedule was thrown completely off. First off, Kari didn’t go to work so I lumbered round in the morning trying to figure out if she was staying home sick or maybe forgot to go to work, but then…she started cleaning. Dutch and I were wondering what was going on, she usually does this kind of thing on a weekend when Aaron is trying to watch football, not a Wednesday. She must be sick, yep that's it, sick..or maybe they’re getting ready for the adoption counselor to come over, I heard them talking about that last night.
Now, I don’t really have very high standards, I mean I’ll drink water out of the toilet, but she was really going all out. First she dusted everything [cough, cough], then she even used bleach in the bathrooms, that stuff really stinks. I’m used to her using those new wax rags, Dutch says it’s that stuff the Jessica sells, Norwex, but what does he know. So anyway she still used her new wax rags to wipe off the counters and tables, clean the windows and mirrors and mop the floors, but that bleach in the bathrooms still really stinks. Man, I can’t sleep, maybe I’ll go eat.
Now, I don’t really have very high standards, I mean I’ll drink water out of the toilet, but she was really going all out. First she dusted everything [cough, cough], then she even used bleach in the bathrooms, that stuff really stinks. I’m used to her using those new wax rags, Dutch says it’s that stuff the Jessica sells, Norwex, but what does he know. So anyway she still used her new wax rags to wipe off the counters and tables, clean the windows and mirrors and mop the floors, but that bleach in the bathrooms still really stinks. Man, I can’t sleep, maybe I’ll go eat.
Yeah, that hit the spot - had to steal a few morsels out of the “Black hole”, Kari and Aaron think that thing will only feed us 3 times per day, but I can eat whenever I want. All I have to do is flip on my side, role over a bit onto my head, reach my arm up the spout, flip my paw a pit...clink-clink...mmm 2 morsels, 30 morea nd I'll be satisfied! Well, time for a few minutes of shut eye…mmm can’t wait to dream of chasing mice, birds or Dutch. Oh man, Dutch came and wanted to sleep on my tail. I told him to find his own bed, this one isn’t big enough for the both of us. But would he listen – kinda hard when he was already snoring. He didn’t seem to care that Kari was home today, but I knew it was coming, always does when she cleans like this. Dutch will have his tail between his legs and be under the bed or behind the couch soon – scaredy cat.
Well, all of a sudden, ok let’s be realistic I fell asleep about 8:30 and a few minutes later at about 12:15 I hear the garage door opening. What the heck is going on, is Aaron coming home for lunch? Mmm, maybe I can get him to let me taste that soup they had last night. It was really good, Kari doesn’t know it, but I had a quick taste of hers…haha. Dutch heard the door slam and couldn’t figure out who it was (really? seriously he’s kind of slow). Kari was still cleaning; pretty sure she cleaned the whole house twice, whatever. Anyway, Aaron got right to work with the vacuum. You should have seen Dutch run – he hates that thing, and when he tried to squeeze his fat butt under the bed it was pretty funny. His tail was still sticking out from under the bed – good way to hide buddy. Anyway, Aaron vacuumed the whole house while Kari jumped in the shower, then they put clean sheets on the bed – I like fresh sheets, time to sleep again..ahh.
I woke up about 2 hours later to voices and thought I’d venture out into the real world and there was this strange lady in my chair, who does she think she is. Dutch was sleeping on Kari's lap who was sitting on the couch with Aaron. I jumped up onto his lap and got a few nose scratches, oh that fealt good. They were talking to the lady and I heard a lot about babies, parenting skills, values & goals…who needs goals when you get to sleep 22 hours a day. Anyway, the lady also got a tour of the house – she got to see every room, even the ones that the doors are always closed – not fair. Kari and Aaron claim the doors are shut and the heat is off in those rooms to save money, but I know better – especially for the office, Aaron doesn’t want me playing with all of his farm and Bobcat toys – there so fun to knock off the shelf. The lady even mentioned that they make Crib Tents so that furry animals can’t bother a sleeping baby in a crib… I can’t believe she hinted that Aaron was a fury animal…that’s not very nice, I mean he shaves at least once a week.
Anyway, the lady said that she’d get the paperwork done in the next few weeks and that she’d discuss their profile at their November staff meeting. Then, their profiles would be placed in the books at all of their offices in ND as well as online. Must be that facebook, Kari is always updating her online profile. Anyway, Kari and Aaron were really excited after she left, because they are supper excited for the next step, apparently they get to wait for someone to choose to include them in an adoption plan for a child. It sounds like they mean someone like Ina Claire who visits us often - she just eats, poops and sleeps. Or maybe they are adopting another cat because that’s all Dutch ever does. Either way, I am excited to have someone new to play with, I wonder when he or she will get here - hopefully it' soon...I can teach them to feed me when ever I want!
Well, off to the litter box, then another nap - I need my rest, I’m sure I have to eat soon.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Getting Closer!
Wow October is flying by! Between football games, work, helping on the farm and visit with our adoption social worker, we have been busy!
Here is a little update: we completed our "marriage assessment" on the 13th. We talked about everything, how we met, our dating life, how we interact on a day-to-day basis, how we cope with stress and much MUCH more. We must have done a good job because at the end of the interview, she called us a 'normal' couple.
We also got our business cards back from the printer on Monday! Business may ask?!? Yes, we got a great idea from one of my friends that found some cards on a gas station cork board. It is a simple way to get our name out to the world that we are ready to adopt! I have sent cards all over the state with friends and family. Let's hope that they catch someone's eye. If you would like to help, just let me know and I will get you a stack to post/hand out!
Here is a little update: we completed our "marriage assessment" on the 13th. We talked about everything, how we met, our dating life, how we interact on a day-to-day basis, how we cope with stress and much MUCH more. We must have done a good job because at the end of the interview, she called us a 'normal' couple.
We also got our business cards back from the printer on Monday! Business may ask?!? Yes, we got a great idea from one of my friends that found some cards on a gas station cork board. It is a simple way to get our name out to the world that we are ready to adopt! I have sent cards all over the state with friends and family. Let's hope that they catch someone's eye. If you would like to help, just let me know and I will get you a stack to post/hand out!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Aaron and Kari...Unplugged
After months of gathering pictures, writing text, and bugging my friends to proofread...our profile is FINISHED!
Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed working on it.
In case the link about doesn't work...
Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed working on it.
Open publication - Free publishing
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The most important interview of my life.......

When Kari and I decided to begin an adoption plan to add to our family we chose The Adoption Option as our adoption agency. The Adoption Option is a collaboration between The Village Family Service Center and Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota.
The adoption process is very detailed and involves numerous visits with our adoption counselor and/or other staff at the adoption option. Our journey began with an informational session, then the Adoption Educational & Preparation Workshop. We are currently in the Assessment portion of the process. This includes taking a Temperamet Analysis and Parenting Inventory as well as the visits with the counselor.
Today, I had my first invdividual interview with our counselor. This allowed her to learn more about me in a one-on-one discussion. We talked about many different topics, a few of which include my family history, school history, medical hisotry and my parents. I learned alot about my parents as we disucssed their parenting techniques and my many experiences growing up. Thank you, Mom & Dad, for setting such a great example of how to be a good parent - it's going to be useful very soon!
Kari had the same individual interview yesterday. Next, in two weeks, Kari and I will meet wtih our conselor together to discuss marriage and additional family background information. After that, hopefully by the end of October, we'll be able to schedule our first in-home visits. If all goes as planned, we'll be added to the list of available adoptive families ready to bring a newborn into our home by December.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Good Day...
I have to say...we are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. It is you guys that share in our good times and help us out of the bad. One great example...on Sunday night we opened our email and had this amazing message from my mother-in-law Peg. I know I say it all the time, but I really hit the jackpot when it comes to in-laws. I just have to share...
Hi, I think God speaks to us in many different ways ....... through nature, people and situations. Today He spoke to me in church during the reading of the lessons. The Psalms for the Day was 113. The last verse reminds me that He is in control of your adoption plans and that all things will work out. Love, MOM
Hallelujah! You who serve God, praise God!
Just to speak his name is praise!
Just to remember God is a blessing—
now and tomorrow and always.
From east to west, from dawn to dusk,
keep lifting all your praises to God!
4-9 God is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies.
Who can compare with God, our God,
so majestically enthroned,
Surveying his magnificent
heavens and earth?
He picks up the poor from out of the dirt,
rescues the wretched who've been thrown out with the trash,
Seats them among the honored guests,
a place of honor among the brightest and best.
He gives childless couples a family,
gives them joy as the parents of children.
Hi, I think God speaks to us in many different ways ....... through nature, people and situations. Today He spoke to me in church during the reading of the lessons. The Psalms for the Day was 113. The last verse reminds me that He is in control of your adoption plans and that all things will work out. Love, MOM
Psalm 113 (The Message)
Hallelujah! You who serve God, praise God!
Just to speak his name is praise!
Just to remember God is a blessing—
now and tomorrow and always.
From east to west, from dawn to dusk,
keep lifting all your praises to God!
4-9 God is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies.
Who can compare with God, our God,
so majestically enthroned,
Surveying his magnificent
heavens and earth?
He picks up the poor from out of the dirt,
rescues the wretched who've been thrown out with the trash,
Seats them among the honored guests,
a place of honor among the brightest and best.
He gives childless couples a family,
gives them joy as the parents of children.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Nighty night little one
Time to pack....and play! I have been waiting for the "right time" to start buying baby supplies. I have had my perfect baby room planned in my head for a long time, but have been too scared to buy anything not wanting to jinx us. Well, I threw that out the window today and bought our future child a pack n' play!
Now that the ball is really rolling on our adoption process, I thought it was time we start to prepare for the arrival of our new family member. We talked it out and thought a pack n' play would be a good idea for our first purchase because we can use it for the first few weeks after our baby arrives. We are also hoping our darling little goddaughter will get to use it from time to time!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Taking the first step....
We are currently still in the approval stage of our adoption process, but we are getting closer everyday! We are going to use our blog to keep in touch with family and friends on our adoption process and as a way to get get in touch with families that are looking to make an adoption plan for their child.
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